Belinda Brauman

Belinda Business Development Manager In Warragul, Gippsland In Warragul Dental Care

Belinda Brauman

Business Development Manager

If Warragul Dental Care was a ship, Belinda would be the captain. Belinda keeps the business running smoothly and makes sure the team is all on track. With a background in change and communication management, Belinda is passionate about improving the patient experience from the moment you walk in the door, until the minute you leave.

Belinda is local to the area. She grew up in Gippsland and loves to get involved in local community activities. She was lucky enough to complete the Gippsland Community Leadership Program, which turned out to be a great reminder of why we’re so lucky to live in this beautiful part of the world.
Belinda’s life outside of Warragul Dental Care is equally exciting. She’s been lucky enough to take a 12 month break to trek around the world. One of her greatest memories was trekking in the Patagonia region in South America and the south coast of Turkey, but her favourite place to trek is right here on our doorstep – Tasmania. Belinda loves to explore and is always planning the next adventure with her fellow adventurer and partner in crime, Anand.

Dogtor Bruce

Hi there! Click below to talk with the team. Want to go old school? You can call us on (03) 5623 5588.